EarthNet2021 Toolkit API - EarthNetScore

Calculating EarthNetScore

EarthNetScore is implemented leveraging multiprocessing. With a class method, it can be computed over (possibly multiple) predictions of one test set.

Save your predictions for one test set in one folder in one of the following ways: {pred_dir/tile/cubename.npz, pred_dir/tile/ensemblenumber_cubename.npz} Then use the Path/To/Download/To/TestSet as the targets.

Then use the EarthNetScore:

import earthnet as en
en.EarthNetScore.get_ENS(Path/to/predictions, Path/to/targets, data_output_file = Path/to/data.json, ens_output_file = Path/to/ens.json)

You will find the computed EarthNetScore in Path/to/ens.json.

ProTip: You can find further terms computed, such as subscores per prediction, in Path/to/data.json.


earthnet.parallel_score module

EarthNetScore in parallel.

class earthnet.parallel_score.CubeCalculator()

Bases: object

Loads single cube and calculates subscores for EarthNetScore


>>> scores = CubeCalculator.get_scores({"pred_filepath": Path/to/pred.npz, "targ_filepath": Path/to/targ.npz})

classmethod EMD(preds: numpy.ndarray, targs: numpy.ndarray, masks: numpy.ndarray)

Earth mover distance score

The earth mover distance (w1 metric) is computed between target and predicted pixelwise NDVI timeseries value distributions. For the target distributions, only non-masked values are considered. Scaled by a scaling factor such that a distance the size of a 99.7% confidence interval of the variance of the pixelwise centered NDVI timeseries is scaled to 0.9 (such that the ols-score becomes 0.1). The emd-score is 1-mean(emd), it is scaled from 0 (worst) to 1 (best).


preds (np.ndarray): NDVI Predictions, shape h,w,1,t
targs (np.ndarray): NDVI Targets, shape h,w,1,t
masks (np.ndarray): NDVI Masks, shape h,w,1,t, 1 if non-masked, else 0


Tuple[float, dict]: emd-score, debugging information

static MAD(preds: numpy.ndarray, targs: numpy.ndarray, masks: numpy.ndarray)

Median absolute deviation score

Median absolute deviation between non-masked target and predicted pixels. Scaled by a scaling factor such that a distance the size of a 99.7% confidence interval of the variance of the pixelwise centered timeseries is scaled to 0.9 (such that the mad-score becomes 0.1). The mad-score is 1-MAD, it is scaled from 0 (worst) to 1 (best).


preds (np.ndarray): Predictions, shape h,w,c,t
targs (np.ndarray): Targets, shape h,w,c,t
masks (np.ndarray): Masks, shape h,w,c,t, 1 if non-masked, else 0


Tuple[float, dict]: mad-score, debugging information

static OLS(preds: numpy.ndarray, targs: numpy.ndarray, masks: numpy.ndarray)

Ordinary least squares slope deviation score

Mean absolute difference between ordinary least squares slopes of target and predicted pixelwise NDVI timeseries. Target slopes are calculated over non-masked values. Predicted slopes are calculated for all values between the first and last non-masked value of a given timeseries. Scaled by a scaling factor such that a distance the size of a 99.7% confidence interval of the variance of the pixelwise centered NDVI timeseries is scaled to 0.9 (such that the ols-score becomes 0.1). If the timeseries is longer than 40 steps, it is split up into parts of length 20. The ols-score is 1-mean(abs(b_targ - b_pred)), it is scaled from 0 (worst) to 1 (best).


preds (np.ndarray): NDVI Predictions, shape h,w,1,t
targs (np.ndarray): NDVI Targets, shape h,w,1,t
masks (np.ndarray): NDVI Masks, shape h,w,1,t, 1 if non-masked, else 0


Tuple[float, dict]: ols-score, debugging information

static SSIM(preds: numpy.ndarray, targs: numpy.ndarray, masks: numpy.ndarray)

Structural similarity index score

Structural similarity between predicted and target cube computed for all channels and frames individually if the given target is less than 30% masked. Scaled by a scaling factor such that a mean SSIM of 0.8 is scaled to a ssim-score of 0.1. The ssim-score is mean(ssim), it is scaled from 0 (worst) to 1 (best).


preds (np.ndarray): Predictions, shape h,w,c,t
targs (np.ndarray): Targets, shape h,w,c,t
masks (np.ndarray): Masks, shape h,w,c,t, 1 if non-masked, else 0


Tuple[float, dict]: ssim-score, debugging information

static compute_w1(datarow: numpy.ndarray)

Computing w1 distance for np.apply_along_axis


datarow (np.ndarray): 1-dimensional array that can be split into three parts of equal size, these are in order: predictions, targets and masks for a single pixel and channel through time.


Union[np.ndarray, None]: w1 distance between prediction and target, if not completely masked, else None.

classmethod get_scores(filepaths: dict)

Get all subscores for a given cube


filepaths (dict): Has keys “pred_filepath”, “targ_filepath” with respective paths.


dict: subscores and debugging info for the input cube

static load_file(pred_filepath: pathlib.Path, targ_filepath: pathlib.Path)

Load a single target cube and a matching prediction


pred_filepath (Path): Path to predicted cube
targ_filepath (Path): Path to target cube


Sequence[np.ndarray]: preds, targs, masks, ndvi_preds, ndvi_targs, ndvi_masks

class earthnet.parallel_score.EarthNetScore(pred_dir: str, targ_dir: str)

Bases: object

EarthNetScore class, fast computation using multiprocessing


Direct computation

EarthNetScore.get_ENS(Path/to/predictions, Path/to/targets, data_output_file = Path/to/data.json, ens_output_file = Path/to/ens.json)

More control (for further plotting)

ENS = EarthNetScore(Path/to/predictions, Path/to/targets) data = ENS.compute_scores() ens = ENS.summarize()

__init__(pred_dir: str, targ_dir: str)

Initialize EarthNetScore


pred_dir (str): Directory with predictions, format is one of {pred_dir/tile/cubename.npz, pred_dir/tile/experiment_cubename.npz}
targ_dir (str): Directory with targets, format is one of {targ_dir/target/tile/target_cubename.npz, targ_dir/target/tile/cubename.npz, targ_dir/tile/target_cubename.npz, targ_dir/tile/cubename.npz}

compute_scores(n_workers: Optional[int] = -1)

Compute subscores for all cubepaths


n_workers (Optional[int], optional): Number of workers, if -1 uses all CPUs, if 0 uses no multiprocessing. Defaults to -1.


dict: data of format {cubename: score_dict}

classmethod get_ENS(pred_dir: str, targ_dir: str, n_workers: Optional[int] = -1, data_output_file: Optional[str] = None, ens_output_file: Optional[str] = None)

Method to directly compute EarthNetScore


pred_dir (str): Directory with predictions, format is one of {pred_dir/tile/cubename.npz, pred_dir/tile/experiment_cubename.npz}
targ_dir (str): Directory with targets, format is one of {targ_dir/target/tile/target_cubename.npz, targ_dir/target/tile/cubename.npz, targ_dir/tile/target_cubename.npz, targ_dir/tile/cubename.npz}
n_workers (Optional[int], optional): Number of workers, if -1 uses all CPUs, if 0 uses no multiprocessing. Defaults to -1.
data_output_file (Optional[str], optional): Output filepath for subscores and debugging information, recommended to end with .json. Defaults to None.
ens_output_file (Optional[str], optional): Output filepath for EarthNetScore, recommended to end with .json. Defaults to None.

get_paths(pred_dir: str, targ_dir: str)

Match paths of target cubes with predicted cubes

Each target cube gets 1 or more predicted cubes.


pred_dir (str): Directory with predictions, format is one of {pred_dir/tile/cubename.npz, pred_dir/tile/experiment_cubename.npz}
targ_dir (str): Directory with targets, format is one of {targ_dir/target/tile/target_cubename.npz, targ_dir/target/tile/cubename.npz, targ_dir/tile/target_cubename.npz, targ_dir/tile/cubename.npz}

save_scores(output_file: str)

Save all subscores and debugging info as JSON


output_file (str): Output filepath, recommended to end with .json

summarize(output_file: Optional[str] = None)

Calculate EarthNetScore from subscores and optionally save to file as JSON


output_file (Optional[str], optional): If not None, saves EarthNetScore to this path, recommended to end with .json. Defaults to None.


Tuple[float, float, float, float, float]: ens, mad, ols, emd, ssim